"What a pleasure it was to have Phil come and speak at our club. As Mansfield Football Netball Club's first female President and with the local (female) Mayor in attendance the day reinforced to me the importance of Women's ever-increasing role in local communities. It is incumbent on me and those like me to continue to find ways to spread the word and Phil's story certainly helps. The nature of Phil's experience drew raw emotion from everyone in the room, it must remain hard for him to talk about. Having said that his Sister has clearly inspired him to be at the forefront of the battle that is violence against women. He honours her with his work, she would be proud of him."
"In addition to the emotion of the day I would like to think that our town has made significant steps toward the protection of Women. The men that attended came away with life changing attitudes to what is and what is not acceptable. There is a sense that this was not a one off, but it forms part of a well-planned and ongoing determination to make sure the Woman of our town and beyond are treated well. We hope to maintain our relationship with Phil to help us facilitate our leadership in this area. Our Club and our Community stands ready to continue the battle and we thank Phil Cleary for helping to motivate, inspire & drive Women's basic rights."
Belinda DeMaria - Mansfield Football Netball Club President